We have Pauline to thank for using all her Toastmasters Leadership skills and making our Christmas meeting fun, interactive with a take away message. Pauline chose a Christmas play set on a bus with everyone heading home for Christmas. It demonstrated the cynicism and intolerance often displayed at this time of year and how we can change things from our often  narrow focus on our own daily lives and add increase and enrichment to others.  Scripts had been pre prepared so we only had to board our meeting room converted to the seating arrangement of a bus complete with grumpy driver, read our parts and enjoy the ride.

This play demonstrated the ‘Icebreaker’ and you might like to consider trying something similar at your next conference or team meeting. If you are in charge of bringing the group together for the first time have a theme. In this instance it was Christmas, however it could just as easily have been anything such as co-operation, leadership, teamwork, safety etc.   You will be displaying leadership to the group together and with active participation  in your theme before you all get down to the nitty gritty it will help to break down barriers that might exist when the group first comes into the room to sit around the table. Best of all its fun.

Congratulations Pauline on this excellent display of a leadership skill you have learned and practiced at Toastmasters it sent our club members into the Christmas season prepared to show consideration, understanding and good will to others.bus