“Today we held our T@12 International Speech Contest. Peter Scholtens and Hazel Bidmead were our contestants, and both delivered thought-provoking speeches. Peter spoke about suicide, a challenging topic, and he presented it in a very informative way. Hazel spoke about the courage of the first follower, of a leader, who opens the opportunity for others to follow.

First place was awarded to Peter and second place was awarded to Hazel. T@12 congratulates them both on wonderful speeches of very high quality.
Table topics was an inspiration! Peter spoke about being inspired by seeing the growth and development of young T@12 Toastmasters, Hazel spoke about accomplishing something previously thought impossible, Kinnie spoke about the power of faith, and John spoke about aiding the youth to make better life decisions.
Chris Ashley, Area Director, closed the meeting with his high energy and enthusiasm.
T@12 thanks all the visiting judges, and club members who helped and supported the contest. Our success, is your success! Your success is our success!”
See you all next week 😊
Zaine Mitchell
Contest Chair