An awesome Area E9 Table Topics competition hosted today, 18th September, by us the Terrace@12 Toastmasters. We cheered on our two contestants Ruth and Denise.
The contestants, all winers at their respective clubs: Denise Barnett, Hayley Baker, Hugh Hill, John Andrews, Michael Flaus, Murray Ingram, Rob Barton-Howes, Ruth Fletcher
Evan’s organised and chaired the event, and set the question posed to each speaker:
“Should the Government privatise the Wealfare System?”
Quite a challenging topic!
Try and have a go your self, right now for 1 min 30s.
Not easy, but the speakers did a fantastic job.
And the winners are ….
Sadly for our club not Ruth or Denise
1st Hayley Barker, 2nd Erich Livengood, 3rd Murray Ingram
Good luck to the winners at the next level of the competition
the Division E Conference 12th October.
Finally, a really big thanks goes out to all the Judges, Timekeepers, Tally Counters, and Sargent of Arms, their help was invaluable to making this Table Topics competition happen. Thank you.